AFGLC Home Page with Current Announcements and Activities
<% If Request.QueryString("page") = "" or Request.QueryString("page") = "home" or Request.QueryString("page") = "whatis" or Request.QueryString("page") = "mission" or Request.QueryString("page") = "aims" Then %> <% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "leadership" or Request.QueryString("page") = "committee" Then %> <% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "centers" or Request.QueryString("page") = "del" or Request.QueryString("page") = "miz" or Request.QueryString("page") = "ath" or Request.QueryString("page") = "ath2" Then %> <% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "grants" or Request.QueryString("page") = "scholarships" Then %> <% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "news" or Request.QueryString("page") = "press" or Request.QueryString("page") = "books" or Request.QueryString("page") = "events" or Request.QueryString("page") = "newsletter" or Request.QueryString("page") = "photovideo" or Request.QueryString("page") = "galaarchive" or Request.QueryString("page") = "awardarchive" or Request.QueryString("page") = "filingarchive" or Request.QueryString("page") = "edumat" Then %> <% End If %> <% If Request.QueryString("page") = "home" Then %>

AFGLC carries out in the United States the work of the International Foundation for Greek Language and Culture (IFGLC). AFGLC members are convinced that the quality of world leadership tomorrow depends upon the quality of the educational curriculum today. If we want to assure the future a leadership with a firm understanding of the human adventure, of the origins of democracy and the philosophical underpinnings of Western thought, we believe today's education must begin with a study of the Greek experience. Thus AFGLC is dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of Greek culture and language in the curriculum of institutions of higher learning in the Americas, even as its parent organization, IFGLC, pursues the same goals worldwide. To this end AFGLC aims at establishing Interdisciplinary Centers of Hellenic Studies (ICHS) at selected universities throughout the United States and elsewhere. Each Center consists of five named professorships, endowed in perpetuity, covering all aspects of Hellenic culture, especially as they have impacted modern civilization: Language and Literature, Philosophy, History, Culture (art, archaeology, musicology, or related subjects), and Byzantine History and Orthodox Religion. The ICHS plan is the only one in the United States to bring to a general American audience at secular universities the riches of Greek Orthodoxy.

The academic objectives of the AFGLC, in addition to the primary mission of creating Interdisciplinary Centers for Hellenic Studies, include the following:

  • Assistance in establishing and enhancing the offering of studies in the Greek language and various aspects of culture at academic institutions;
  • Assistance in the establishment of curricula leading to a baccalaureate degree in all aspects of Greek Studies;
  • Fostering of the establishment of graduate programs in all aspects of Greek Studies;
  • Partnership with other organizations in the United States whose goals and objectives are to promote and enhance the teaching of the Greek language and culture at academic institutions;
  • Assistance of academic institutions in the collection of research material and various data pertaining to Greek culture;
  • Assistance in the creation of archives of Greek American families and organizations that have played important roles in the history of the Americas;
  • Promotion of visiting lecture programs involving scholars who are prominent in various aspects of Greek Studies, and the exchange of such scholars between academic institutions in Greece and the Americas;
  • Organization and promotion of seminars, symposia and conferences to further the aims and objectives of the AFGLC;
  • Assistance in the publishing of scholarly works on various aspects of Greek language and culture;
  • Participation in projects and programs promoting Greek language and culture, as the Trustees and Directors deem appropriate.

AFGLC also undertakes to publish biographies of especially distinguished philanthropists to the cause of Hellenism.

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "ichs" Then %> The Interdisciplinary Center for Hellenic Studies (ICHS) is the means by which AFGLC carries out its mission to present Hellenic language and culture to the American university student. Two such Centers now exist in the United States: the flagship ICHS at the University of South Florida, a tier-one research university, which has given its ICHS the coveted designation "Center of Excellence"; and the AFGLC-ICHS at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, which is among the five best state liberal arts colleges in the country. Other Centers are under negotiation at distinguished universities throughout the nation.

Each ICHS consists of five named professorships, endowed in perpetuity, in the following areas: Greek Language and Culture; Greek History; Greek Philosophy; Greek Culture (art, archaeology, musicology or any specialization the university may desire); and Byzantine History and Orthodox Religion. The structure of each ICHS is illustrated by the pentagon below:

The entire Center is so structured contractually that neither it nor the individual professorships can ever be terminated, despite budget cuts or changing university priorities. AFGLC will negotiate with the university the cost per professorship and the availability of matching funds.

Once a Center is established, it passes under the control of the academic institution but is presided over by a Board of Directors that include ex officio officers of the AFGLC. Its academic agenda is carried out by a Director, appointed by AFGLC from among the endowed faculty. The ICHS must be operated in accordance with the contract, and neither the Director nor the school administration can alter its mission. AFGLC and its donors continue to provide a minimum of $15,000 annually to enhance the program, as well as supplying specialized books and other teaching aids. For example, the Athenian Academy has pledged to furnish a large number of books for each ICHS that is established.

An ICHS serves as a center of communication with the university administration and the academic world at large, a physical and emotional "home base" for its students, and a link with AFGLC's international network of resources and contacts. The particular services an ICHS provides to its faculty and students include the following:

- To organize and host public lectures, symposia, and conferences. For example, AFGLC has taken full advantage of the lecture series provided by the Onassis Foundation, and has found new venues for these speakers through its network of ICHS;
- To award faculty enhancement grants;
- To award student scholarships;
- To facilitate study-abroad opportunities;
- To help to build at its host institution a collection of publications, reference works and archival materials that pertain to the objectives of the Center;
- To assist in the publishing of scholarly works though small grants;
- To assist in establishing or organizing visiting positions or exchange programs for prominent scholars in various aspects of Hellenic Studies;
- To apply for funding from granting agencies external to the university itself;
- To help to establish interdisciplinary degree programs at the host institution in various aspects of Hellenic Studies, at the undergraduate and graduate levels;
- To advise students wishing to pursue careers in Hellenic Studies;
- To utilize the internet and other distance learning technologies as they relate to its mission;
- Where feasible, to publish an academic journal related to some aspect/aspects of Hellenism.
As an interdisciplinary center, the ICHS makes its grants and scholarships available to faculty and students from many different departments. A Center costs the university very little, yet maximizes its teaching potential and creates bonds between it and the outside community, represented by the local membership of AFGLC. Administrators find it hard to resist; and best of all, it has been proven successful in making Hellenism known to the many students who pass through its courses every year.
<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "leadership" Then %>

AFGLC is a public non-profit educational foundation registered in the State of Florida, with headquarters in Tampa, Florida. It is administratively and legally structured in accordance with the Laws of the Federal Government of the United States and the State of Florida. AFGLC is governed by a board of ten Directors and a non-voting administrator, the Educational Program Coordinator. In addition, its Board of Trustees is consulted on major issues. Twice yearly, AFGLC holds open assemblies at which time all members are invited to ask questions and offer input. AFGLC has been approved by the Federal Government of the United States as an educational, not-for-profit 501(c)3 foundation.

Membership dues, other contributions and donations to the AFGLC are tax-deductible.

Executive Committee for
AFGLC Headquarters

Dr. Ulysses J. Balis, President

Brief Biosketch


Ms. Kalliope Halkias
Vice President

Dr. John Hatsios

Dr. Harvey Glass

Mr. N. J. Maroulis

Dr. Santo Nicosia

Mr. Harry Patsalides


Mrs. Ourania Stephanides
Senior Data Curator / Database Architect

Dr. William Yotis

Mr. John Krinos

Mr. Vasile Faklis

Rev. Dr. Stanley S. Harakas


Honorary Board
Mr. George D. Behrakis, Honorary President
Chairman, Gainesborough Investments, Inc.


The Honorable Joseph Biden
Former Vice President of the United States

The Honorable Michael Bilirakis
Former United States Congressman

The Honorable Tom Carper
United States Senator

The Honorable Michael S. Dukakis
Former Governor of Massachusetts

  Rev. Dr. Stanley S. Harakas
Dean Emeritus,
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology

Dr. Richard Janko
G. F. Else Collegiate Professor,
Dep. of Classical Studies, University of  Michigan

Dr. Gregory Nagy
Francis Jones Professor of Classical Greek Literature, Harvard University

Dr. Josiah Ober
C. Mitsotakis Professor in Humanities & Sciences,
Stanford University

The Honorable Eugene Rossides
Former Founding President, American Hellenic Institute


AFGLC/IFGLC Athens Center
Executive Committee
Dr. Manolis Bechrakis

Dr. Manolis Bechrakis

Dr. Emmanuel Mikrogiannakis

Dr. Christoforos Haralabakis
Vice -President

Mrs. Mary Antonakou


Mrs. Pota Bali-Bouba

Mr. Fokion Zaimis
Public Relations

Mrs. Aliki Karali

Dr. Athanasios Papadopoulos

Tri-State: Executive Committee

Dr. Peter N. Yiannos

  Dr. George Vassilatos
Deputy Director
Missouri: Executive Committee


  Mr. Nicholas Karakas
New York: Executive Committee

Dr. Stella Tsirka

  Dr. Vassilis Danginis
Tampa: Executive Committee


  Ms. Kalliope Halkias
Colombia: Executive Committee

Dr. I. Chavez Cuevas
Honorary President &

Director, Instituto Caro y Cuervo

  Dr. Luis Alfonso Ramirez
Website & Information Technology Operations


  Dr. Ulysses J. Balis


<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "centers" Then %>

AFGLC centers within the United States are administratively and legally structured in accordance with the laws governing each state in which they are located. These centers are established and operate within the administrative structure and under the jurisdiction of the AFGLC Headquarters. The primary mission of each AFGLC center is to work with Headquarters in order to identify academic institutions within or near its geographical area at which a local Interdisciplinary Centers for Hellenic Studies (ICHS) may be established. Furthermore, each AFGLC center is to provide continuing support of their local ICHS once established, and its officers will serve on the ICHS board of directors.

AFGLC-Catalyzed Interdisciplinary Centers for Hellenic Studies (ICHSs) (ACTIVE)

1. Richard Stockton College of New Jersey     Original RSC Endowed Professorships Announcement (October 1, 2004)
2. University of South Florida
3. St. Petersburg College (Tarpon Springs Campus)


Richard Stockton ICHS Professorships:

  • The Peter and Stella Yiannos Professorship in Greek Language and Literature.
  • The Constantine and Georgiean Georgiou Professorship in Greek History: Dr. Tom Papademetriou.
  • The AFGLC Professorship in Greek Culture: Professor Fred C. Mench.
  • The Clement and Helen Pappas Professorship in Byzantine Civilization and Religion.
  • The AFGLC Professorship in Greek Philosophy.



1. Tampa Bay, Florida (operational)
2. Tri-State (Del., SE Penn., South Jersey) (operational)

3. Stony Brook (Long Island), NY (in support of Stony Brook University) (operational) New!
4. Baltimore, Maryland (under development)
5. Dallas, Texas (under development)
6. Orlando, Florida (under development)
7. Phoenix/Tucson, Arizona (under development)
8. St. Louis, Missouri (under development)

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "education" Then %> The fundamental educational mission of AFGLC is realized through the establishment of ICHSs at academic institutions of higher learning. To accomplish this mission, AFGLC has developed a dynamic plan that has been successfully applied through the creation of ICHSs in the following Universities:

- AFGLC- ICHS at the University of South Florida, a "Center of Excellence"
- AFGLC-ICHS at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey.

By demonstrating the feasibility of the novel ICHS concept, AFGLC has opened new educational avenues to fulfill its primary mission.

AFGLC recognizes the importance of both introducing and deepening among our students the riches of the Greek culture. Thus AFGLC has supported the establishment at USF of the Hellenic Society, to supplement classroom instruction with the living experience of Hellenic paideia. In recognition of its active presence in the academic life of the University, the Hellenic Society has been recognized as one of the "Best Student Organizations." Each year the Hellenic Society holds a campus-wide Hellenic Week of events at USF, and student members also assist AFGLC in various ways, especially at the annual Forum. AFGLC additionally helps support the USF Classics Club, for students interested in the ancient Greek heritage.

AFGLC recognizes and endorses the creation of summer academic programs that allow students to visit Greece. To date, AFGLC has supported the first summer academic program for students from USF and other academic institutions to Greece in the summer of 2003 and will send students this summer and subsequently.

AFGLC believes in sharing its educational efforts with the community. To this end, it provides a list of academics and other professionals available who are available to lecture at Greek-American and other civic organizations, universities, schools, and professional groups, on various aspects of Hellenism and pertinent topics of common interest. We will extend this lecture program to the cities and regions of the United States where AFGLC centers have been established.

AFGLC is devoted to making available to the public Hellenic educational and cultural exhibits. To this end it has sponsored the following community events:

- AFGLC assisted and supported the Tampa Museum of Fine Arts in bringing to the United States the exhibit Magna Graecia, Greek Art from South Italy and Sicily. This exhibit set a record for attendance among all cultural events in Tampa Bay.
- AFGLC brought the pictorial exhibit Alexander the Great and the Aftermath to USF and the Tampa Bay area, which generated an enthusiastic response among the local academic community and beyond.
- AFGLC presented the exhibit of works by the modern Greek artist Ghikas at the Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida, a show that enjoyed a long and successful run.
- AFGLC hosted the exhibit Cavafy-Seferis, Celebrated Poets of the 20th Century, at the USF Main Library, a presentation that secured widespread attendance from the university and the wider community.

AFGLC recognizes the important role that music and the arts have played and continue to play in Greek culture. Thus it has sponsored the following musical events:

- "Songs of the Homeland" by Marianna Rigaki, Winner of the Maria Callas International Competition, at Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, Florida;
- "Opera is in the Air" by Marianna Rigaki and pianist Yiannis Xylas, at the Concert Hall at USF, Tampa, FL.
- "An Evening of Piano" by Olga Militsis, at the Marshall Center, USF.

AFGLC recognizes the importance of carrying its message and objectives worldwide. Thus, it has created a 15-minute DVD video for distribution, providing a brief description of AFGLC and its mission. This DVD has received excellent reviews and is presently being updated.
<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "grants" Then %> Grants in variable amounts are available to faculty and students of universities or colleges where an Interdisciplinary Center for Hellenic Studies (ICHS) is established, who are engaged in research or publication on some topic related to Greek Studies. Applications should be made directly to the director of the respective ICHS, which may make seasonal notification of the availability of funding.

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "forum" Then %>

2010 AFGLC / IFGLC Forum & Conference
Content from the 2010 Educational Forum will be posted here as soon as it is received from presenters.

A video welcome message from Governor Crist of Florida

The 2010 AFGLC Forum Final Program

THEME 1 - Ancient Visions, Modern Issues (Part 1)

The Ideal Constitution According to Pericles

Emmanuel Mikrogiannakis, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Ancient History
University of Athens
Athens, Greece

From Kalokagathia to Philotimo: Connected Ethics in Modern Greek Cooperatives (paper)
From Kalokagathia to Philotimo: Connected Ethics in Modern Greek Cooperatives (presentation)

Mr. Theodoros Katerinakis - Doctoral Candidate
Department of Culture & Communication
Drexel University
3141 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

THEME 2 - Teaching Greek Language and Culture (Part 1)

Teaching Modern Greek Culture

Artemis Leontis, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Modern Greek and
Coordinator of the Modern Greek Program
University of Michigan
2172 Angell Hall - 1003
University of Michigan 435 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone: (734) 936-6099

Standard Modern Greek: The Present State

Christoforos Charalambakis, Ph.D.
Professor of Linguistics
University of Athens
Athens, Greece

Green Rhymes: Raising Ecological Awareness through Cretan Songs (presentation)
Green Rhymes: Raising Ecological Awareness through Cretan Songs (lecture notes)
MP3 Audio clip for slide 8       MP3 Audio clip for slide 15

Maria Hnaraki, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor and Director, Greek Studies Program
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA

THEME 4 - Ancient Visions, Modern Issues (Part 2)

Repatriation of Greek Art Treasures

Kimberly Felos, Ph.D.
Professor of Humanities
St. Petersburg College, Tarpon Spings, FL

THEME 7 - Longitudinal Teaching of Greek Language and Culture

Aligning Greek Language Teaching with US National Standards (presentation)
Aligning Greek Language Teaching with US National Standards (paper)
Draft National Standard for Teaching of Greek (white paper)

Vasiliki Tsigas-Fotinis, Ph.D.
Coordinator, Hellenic-American Educators of New Jersey

THEME 8 - Sharing the Experience for Teaching and Promoting Greek Language and Culture – A Workshop (Part 1)

The Origins of Philosophy: Why the Greeks?

Kevin R. Morgan, Ph.D.
Professor of Humanities
St. Petersburg College, Tarpon Spings, FL

The 2010 AFGLC Forum Evening Keynote Presentation, 7 pm, February 19, 2010:
Hellenism, Sepphoris, Nazareth and the Formation of Christianity
- James F. Strange, Ph.D., University of Sourth Florida Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies

The 2010 AFGLC Inaugural Dr. Demetrios Halkias Keynote Lecture on Faith, presented by the revered Rev. Stanley Harakas Th.D., D.D.
A video transscript of his presentation, which took place at the Tarpon Springs Spanos-Pappas Community Center on February 20, 2010, will be made available shortly.

For a downlloadable version of the 2010 AFLGC-Sponsored Epiphany Memorial Piano Concert announcement, click Here.
For more information on the the 2010 AFGLC Forum's featured Greek artist, Mr. George Skaroulis, click Here.




<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "partners" Then %> The AHEPA-AFGLC Educational Partnership:  First Step
AFGLC and AHEPA, the largest international Hellenic-American organization, have officially signed an agreement to collaborate in fulfilling our shared educational mission. The 82nd Annual Supreme Convention of the Order of AHEPA unanimously approved a resolution that led to the partnership, and the official agreement of the AHEPA-AFGLC Educational Partnership was signed on February 14, 2005, by the Supreme President of AHEPA, Mr. Franklin Manios, and Dr. Chris P. Tsokos, president of AFGLC. The primary objective of the AHEPA-AFGLC educational partnership is to work together at the local, district, regional and national levels to establish Interdisciplinary Centers for Hellenic Studies (ICHSs).

Additional Academic Partnerships
- AFGLC has established a working educational partnership with the Academy of Athens, which includes the contributions by members of the Academy of books (some rare) on every aspect of Hellenism, for all ICHS centers in the United States.
- AFGLC and the Alexander Onassis Public Benefits Foundation (U.S.A.) have embarked on a Distinguished Lecture partnership. The Onassis Foundation supplies, at its expense, outstanding international scholars to lecture at selected American universities or colleges  including those where AFGLC has established an ICHS. <% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "" or Request.QueryString("page") = "news" Then %>

Current AFGLC Announcements and Activities

Week of January 27, 2020

Announcing the 2020 Annual AFGLC Mini-Forum, to be held at

St. Petersburg College - Tarpon Springs Campus, Tarpon Springs Florida

on Saturday, March 28th, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.

This year's Theme:

The Olympic Spirit

Open to the Public





An Exciting Proposal from the AFGLC:

HELLENIC STUDIES at St. Petersburg College--Tarpon Springs Campus


2011 Spring / Summer Newsletter
Also available for review: Newsletter Archives

Press Release: On July 5, 2011, the AFGLC Executive Committee and its Board of Trustees elected

Ulysses J. Balis, M.D. as its new president. (more details)

Byron Palls, PhD will remain on the Executive committee as an advisor. The Foundation wishes to express its deepest gratitude to Dr. Palls for his exceptional service as President, with his term being noteworth for many successes and continued growth.


Save the Date! - The AFGLC Announces its 16th Annual Educational Forum & Conference - February 25th and 26th, 2011

Grigorios Zamparas Memorial Piano Concert - February 26th, 2011 at 5:45 - 6 :30 PM
For more information on 2011 AFGLC Foum/Conference and Concert, click Here.

2010 Fall / Winter Newsletter
Also available for review: Newsletter Archives


John U. Balis, M.D.
In Memoriam: 1932 - August 12, 2010
John U. Balis, MD, AFGLC President and Founding Member

In lieu of flowers, the AFGLC family kindly asks that donations be made to the
American Foundation for Greek Language & Culture (AFGLC  Inc.)
in the name of the Dr. John Balis Scholarship Fund
and may be forwarded to the
Dr. John Balis Scholarship Fund,
c/o The American Foundation for Greek Language and Culture, Inc.(AFGLC, Inc.),
10413 Butia Pl, Tampa, FL 33618-4117.
Donations are 100% tax-dedictible as the AFGLC is a registered Florida Non Profit Corporation

2010 Spring / Summer Newsletter
Also available for review: Newsletter Archives

The 2010 AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Proceedings are now being published on-line - visit often to review new submissions as they arrive daily.
See the Annual Education Forum top-level link for more details.

Repatriation of Greek Art Treasures
Dr. Kimberly Felos of St. Pete College / Tarpon Springs Campus
Kimberly Felos, Ph.D.
Professor of Humanities
St. Petersburg College, Tarpon Spings, FL

The Ideal Constitution According to Pericles
Professor Christoforos Charalambakis - World-reknowned Greek Linguist Professor Christoforos Charalambakis - World-reknowned Greek Linguist
Emmanuel Mikrogiannakis, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Ancient History
University of Athens
Athens, Greece

Standard Modern Greek: The Present State
Professor Christoforos Charalambakis - World-reknowned Greek Linguist
Christoforos Charalambakis, Ph.D.
Professor of Linguistics
University of Athens
Athens, Greece

Kimberly Felos

The Origins of Philosophy: Why the Greeks?

Kevin R. Morgan, Ph.D.
Professor of Humanities
St. Petersburg College, Tarpon Spings, FL

Aligning Greek Language Teaching with US National Standards (presentation)
Aligning Greek Language Teaching with US National Standards (paper)
Draft National Standard for Teaching of Greek (white paper)
Dr. Vasiliki Tsigas-Fotinis
Vasiliki Tsigas-Fotinis, Ph.D.
Coordinator, Hellenic-American Educators of New Jersey

Teaching Modern Greek Culture
Dr. Artemis Leontis
Artemis Leontis, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Modern Greek and
Coordinator of the Modern Greek Program
University of Michigan
2172 Angell Hall - 1003
University of Michigan 435 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone: (734) 936-6099

Green Rhymes: Raising Ecological Awareness through Cretan Songs (presentation)
Green Rhymes: Raising Ecological Awareness through Cretan Songs (lecture notes)
MP3 Audio clip for slide 8       MP3 Audio clip for slide 15
Dr. Maria Hnaraki

Maria Hnaraki, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor and Director, Greek Studies Program
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA

President Obama Discusses Philotimo in his White House Address of March 9, 2010, on the occasion of his honoring Greek Independence Day!

From Kalokagathia to Philotimo: Connected Ethics in Modern Greek Cooperatives (paper)
From Kalokagathia to Philotimo: Connected Ethics in Modern Greek Cooperatives (presentation)
Theodoros Katerinakis 2010 AFGLC Forum - Tampa

Mr. Theodoros Katerinakis
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Culture & Communication Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104

The Photographic Archives Section of the 2010 AFGLC Educational Forum is now Avaialable!
AFGLC Secretary Ms. Alexandria Stubos with students at St. Pete College during the 2010 AFGLC Educational Frorum

The AFGLC's efforts and recent 2010 Educational Forum are recognized in a recent story published in the on-line Greek-American Newspaper GreekNews.

The 2010 AFGLC Education Forum Friday Evening Keynote Presentation is now available as a written manuscript. More content will be posted in the Annual Education Forum section as it becomes available.
Hellenism, Sepphoris, Nazareth and the Formation of Christianity - James F. Strange, Ph.D., University of Sourth Florida Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies
James Strange


An AFGLC Regional Center Director comments on the significance of the recent anniversary (April 25) of Greek Independence and
upon Hellenic Paedia in two important essays:
The Future of Hellenic Paedeia in a Democratic Society --The Basis of all Paedeia/Education and Culture
       by Dr. Peter N. Yiannos, Director, AFGLC Tri-State Center
Peter Yiannos


At the recent 15th Annual Educational Forum, the AFGLC started a new annual tradition of hosting the Dr. Demetrios Halkias Keynote Lecture on Faith, with the inaugural 2010 lecture being provided by AFGLC's advisor, the revered Rev. Stanley Harakas Th.D., D.D.
Rev. Stanley Harakas
Reverend Dr. Stanley Harakas


AFGLC held its 15th Annual Educational Forum on February 19-20 in Tampa and Tarpon Springs, Florida - click here for Program

George Skaroulis Memorial Piano Concert - February 20, 2010
For more information on the the 2010 AFGLC Forum's
featured Greek artist, Mr. George Skaroulis, click Here.

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "links" Then %>

Featured Link of the Month:
The Nest of the Hellenic Mind - offered by AFGLC's own benefactors /contributors Diane Touliatos, Ph.D. and husband Costas Miliotis, M.B.A.


Links of General Interest:

Academic Affairs - Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
General Studies - Jewish Studies Faculty

Alexander Onassis Benefit Foundation

American Hellenic Media Project (AHMP)

American Hellenic Professional Society

Brotherhood Achladokambiton St. Demetrios

Capital Link - Greek Stock Market

Christ the Savior Greek Orthodox Church
Presentation at the Temple - Rev. Stanley Harakas

Cretan Association Omonoia

Cretan Youth

Cyprus Net

George Skaroulis, AFGLC 2010 Forum 's Featured Greek Artist

Greek American Women's Network (GAWN)

Greek Forum

Greek Frontpage

Hellenic American Cultural Association of Colorado

Hellenic American Union

Hellenic Biomedical Association

Hellenic Business Group

Hellenic Canadian Academic Association of Ontario

Hellenic Electronic Center (HEC)

Hellenic Heritage Institute

Hellenic News of America
A Very Brief Description of the AFGLC Program For Interdisciplinary Hellenic Studies Center ( ICHS)

Hellenic News of America
Dear Tri-State AFGLC Board Member and Friends,

Hellenic News of America
From the Desk of The President

Hellenic Professional Society of Illinois

Hellenic Resource Network
Position in Greek Studies at Univerisity of South Florida

Hellenic Resources Network

Hellenic Times Scholarship Fund

Hellenic University Club of Southern California

Hellenic Youth of Sao Paolo

Hellenism Of Connecticut

Hellenism of New Jersey

Hellenism of New York

Hellenism of the Greater New York Area
Greek Academics in the US

International Affairs - University of South Florida
Study Abroad in Greece

Laconian Professionals

Macedonian Cultural Center

Makedoniko Parko

Metropolitan Society of Kardamylians

New England Hellenic Medical & Dental Society, NEHMDS


Office of the President - Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Inaugural Address

A Very Brief Description of the AFGLC Program For Interdisciplinary Hellenic Studies Center ( ICHS)

Panlemnian Philanthropic Association "Hephaestus"

Philadelphia International Foundation, Inc.

SAE Youth of New England

The Centre for the Study of Global Governance

The Greek Village-Toronto

The Hellenic Voice
Family honors Clement and Helen Pappas with professorship

American Foundation for Greek Language and Culture to Mark Endowment for Hellenic Studies Center at Stockton College of N.J.

Thessalonikeans Society

World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Union

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "contact" Then %>

The American Foundation for Greek Language and Culture invites all concerned Hellenes and Philhellenes to participate in a great intellectual adventure:
- To build, thoughout America and around the world, Interdisciplinary Centers for Hellenic Studies;
- To endow professors of exceptional learning and commitment;
- To support students, Greek-American and others, who will carry the torch of Greek paideia to the next generation;
- To reawaken the gratitude of the West toward the heritage that has made it what it is, by becoming the Educational Voice of Hellenism throughout the world.

As your partner in this great task of rebuilding, the AFGLC offers the following:
- Affiliation with an established, highly-respected organization;
- A proven, dynamic plan;
- An efficient and dedicated administrative staff composed entirely of volunteers;
- 100% of all funds committed used for educational purposes;
- The support of the University of South Florida, one of America's finest research universities, and other distinguished universities throughout the United States and abroad;
- The fellowship of other generous, like-minded Hellenes and Philhellenes worldwide;
- Tax-exempt status.

Contact information:

For Questions on Membership and Charitable Contributions:

Ms. Kalliope D. Halkias
AFGLC Tresurer


For Questions on Web Content and General Inquiry:

Ulysses J. Balis, M.D.
AFGLC / IFGLC Webmaster
Tel. +1 734 474 3756

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "whatis" Then %>

AFGLC carries out in the United States the work of the International Foundation for Greek Language and Culture (IFGLC). AFGLC members are convinced that the quality of world leadership tomorrow depends upon the quality of the educational curriculum today. If we want to assure the future a leadership with a firm understanding of the human adventure, of the origins of democracy and the philosophical underpinnings of Western thought, we believe today's education must begin with a study of the Greek experience. Thus AFGLC is dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of Greek culture and language in the curriculum of institutions of higher learning in the Americas, even as its parent organization, IFGLC, pursues the same goals worldwide. To this end AFGLC aims at establishing Interdisciplinary Centers of Hellenic Studies (ICHS) at selected universities throughout the United States and elsewhere. Each Center consists of five named professorships, endowed in perpetuity, covering all aspects of Hellenic culture, especially as they have impacted modern civilization: Language and Literature, Philosophy, History, Culture (art, archaeology, musicology, or related subjects), and Byzantine History and Orthodox Religion. The ICHS plan is the only one in the United States to bring to a general American audience at secular universities the riches of Greek Orthodoxy.

The academic objectives of the AFGLC, in addition to the primary mission of creating Interdisciplinary Centers for Hellenic Studies, include the following:

  • Assistance in establishing and enhancing the offering of studies in the Greek language and various aspects of culture at academic institutions;
  • Assistance in the establishment of curricula leading to a baccalaureate degree in all aspects of Greek Studies;
  • Fostering of the establishment of graduate programs in all aspects of Greek Studies;
  • Partnership with other organizations in the United States whose goals and objectives are to promote and enhance the teaching of the Greek language and culture at academic institutions;
  • Assistance of academic institutions in the collection of research material and various data pertaining to Greek culture;
  • Assistance in the creation of archives of Greek American families and organizations that have played important roles in the history of the Americas;
  • Promotion of visiting lecture programs involving scholars who are prominent in various aspects of Greek Studies, and the exchange of such scholars between academic institutions in Greece and the Americas;
  • Organization and promotion of seminars, symposia and conferences to further the aims and objectives of the AFGLC;
  • Assistance in the publishing of scholarly works on various aspects of Greek language and culture;
  • Participation in projects and programs promoting Greek language and culture, as the Trustees and Directors deem appropriate.

AFGLC also undertakes to publish biographies of especially distinguished philanthropists to the cause of Hellenism.

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "mission" Then %> The Greek language and culture are a continuum that stretches back more than 4,000 years. Greek is one of the two oldest living languages on the planet. But endurance is the least of the Greek accomplishments. The inhabitants of that small, rocky peninsula we call Hellas have given to the world countless gifts of beauty and intellect. Among those that have had the most impact on the life of the modern West are the concept of democracy, systematic philosophy, modern medicine, geometry, the atomic theory, principles of mathematics, architecture and an artistic aesthetic centered on the human form. The New Testament and early Christian theology were products of the Hellenic world, and the Byzantines have left us a paradigm of public philanthropy, respect for art and learning, and reverence for things of the spirit.

Once the powerful debt owed by the modern West to its Hellenic forebears was well understood: "Classics" were the core of every university curriculum, and every well-educated person was conversant with Greek philosophy and letters. Our Founding Fathers were such men, and they consciously chose from the riches of Classical tradition to formulate the identity of their new democracy.

If it sometimes seems today that the West is suffering from a dearth of inspired leadership, perhaps we need look no further than the trend our educational curriculum has taken, at the inroads multiculturalism and vocational training have made into the old ideal of the educated person as a humanist and a citizen. Now more than ever, the world needs to hear the ancient injunction, "Know thyself."

AFGLC members are convinced that the quality of world leadership tomorrow depends upon the quality of the educational curriculum today. If we want to assure the future a leadership with a firm understanding of the human adventure, of the origins of democracy and the philosophical underpinnings of Western thought, we believe today's education must begin with a study of the Greek experience. Since the expertise of its own founders (some 400 collective years in the educational field) was concentrated in higher education, the mission of AFGLC likewise concentrates on the university level curriculum.

Thus AFGLC is dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of Greek culture and language in the curriculum of institutes of higher learning in the United States, even as its parent organization, IFGLC, pursues the same goals worldwide. <% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "aims" Then %> 1. To assist in establishing and enhancing the offering of studies in the Greek language and fields of Greek literature, history, philosophy, art, society and culture at academic institutions.

2. To assist in the establishment of curricula in the Greek language and related fields, especially litera-ture, leading to a baccalaureate degree.

3. To encourage and assist academic institutions in establishing graduate programs in the aforemen-tioned areas of Greek studies.

4. To work with other organizations in the United States whose goals and objectives are to promote and enhance the teaching of the Greek language, Greek literature and Greek culture at academic institutions.

5. To assist academic institutions in the collection of research material and various data pertaining to Greek culture and studies in general.

6. To assist in the creation of archives of Greek American families and organizations who have played important roles in the history of America.

7. To assist in establishing and organizing
(a) visiting lecture programs involving prominent scholars in Greek culture and civilization, and
(b) exchange programs of prominent scholars in Greek studies between academic institutions in Greece and the United States.

8. To organize seminars, symposia and conferences for the promotion of the aims and objectives of AFGLC.

9. To assist in the publishing of scholarly works on Greek civilization and culture and all the other related fields.

10. To engage in projects and programs involving the aforementioned fields as the Trustees and Directors deem appropriate. <% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "committee" Then %> AFGLC would like to thank the following individuals who contributed to the "Committee of 100." We appreciate their commitment and plan to display a beautiful plaque in honor of these generous individuals, naming them as "Committee of 100" contributors. This plaque will be displayed permanently at the ICHS at the University of South Florida. Upon the completion of the 100 members, a meeting will be called to celebrate the AFGLC named distinguished professorship.

1. Mr&Mrs. George Apostolou
2. Drs. John and Bayzar Balis
3. Drs. John and Bayzar Balis in memory of Dr. Takvor Erkman
4. Drs. John and Bayzar Balis in Memory of Dr. George Balis
5. Drs. Ulysses and Jennifer Balis
6. Hon. Congr. & Mrs. Michael Bilirakis
7. Marina & Titika Boukalis
8. Mr&Mrs. James Boutzoukas
9. Mr&Mrs. James Bush
10. Mr&Mrs. Mario Constantinou
11. Constantine L. Corpas, L.L.D and Molly Corpas, B.A.
12. Louis and Katherine Corpas
13. Dr&Mrs. Harry Diamandis
14. Mr&Mrs. Van Firios
15. Mr. Van Firios in Memory of his father Theodore Firios
16. Mrs. Irene Firios in Memory of her father Christos Kalivas
17. Mrs. Joanna Frangedis
18. Mrs. Joanna Frangedis for her grandchildren
19. Mr. Artemios Gavalas in Memory of his mother Maria
20. Dr&Mrs. Demetrios Halkias
21. Miss. Kalliope Halkias
22. Mr&Mrs. Dean Hampers
23. Mr. & Mrs. John Hatsios
24. Hellenic Professional Society
25. Mrs. Soteria Jamoulis
26. Mrs. Soteria Jamoulis in Memory of her Husband Dr. Constandine Jamoulis
27. Mrs. Soteria Jamoulis for Alysia Soteria Milonas
28. Mrs. Soteria Jamoulis for Deanna Constantina Milonas
29. Mrs. Soteria Jamoulis for Stacie Soteria Milonas
30. Mr. Dean Kantaras
31. Mr&Mrs. Dennis Kappas
32. Mrs. Terry Milonas Kappiris
33. Mr&Mrs. Efthimios Kalyvas
34. Ms. Efterpi Ketikidou
35. Dr. Takis Klis
36. Mr&Mrs. John Kokolakis
37. Mr&Mrs. Kosmas Kosmakos
38. Dr&Mrs. George Kostakis
39. Mrs. Mary Kottis
40. Mr. Van Kottis
41. Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Koutras
42. Mr&Mrs. Jimmy Koutsos
43. Mr&Mrs. John Krinos
44. Dr.& Mrs. Dimitri Lainiotis
45. Mr&Mrs. Peter Lane
46. Mr&Mrs. Angelo Leontaritis
47. Anthony and Jean Leontes
48. Dr&Mrs. Nicholas Maragos
49. Mr. Nick J. Maroulis
50. Mr. Nick J. Maroulis in Memory of his mother
51. Mr. Nick J. Maroulis in Memory of Vava Nela
52. Mr&Mrs. Eric Mellen
53. Dr. Aristotle Michopoulos
54. Mr&Mrs. Tasso & Thay Milonas
55. Mr&Mrs. Robert Murray
56. Dr&Mrs. Santo Nicosia
57. Dr&Mrs. Andreas Paloumpis
58. Dr&Mrs. Manolis Panagiotou
59. Mrs. Penny Panuthos
60. Dr&Mrs. Dino & Sheryl Pantages in Memory of Fotios & Nectaria Pantages
61. Mr&Mrs. George Pappas
62. Mr&Mrs. George Pappas in Memory of his parents Nicolas & Theoni
63. Mr&Mrs. George Pappas for their son Nick
64. Mr&Mrs. George & Irene Pappas
65. Mr&Mrs. John Pappas
66. Mr&Mrs. Louis Pappas
67. Mr&Mrs. John Pavlopoulos
68. Mrs. Mary Pechinis in Memory of her husband Alexander
69. Dr&Mrs. Nicholas Pelecanos
70. Daughters of Penelope
71. Mr&Mrs. Simon Platon
72. Mr&Mrs. Gregory Politis
73. Mr&Mrs. Gregory Politis in honor of their son Chris
74. Ms. Fotini Priniotakis
75. Drs. Mark & Effie Psarakis
76. Mrs. Toula Quinn
77. Mr&Mrs. Philip Rivers
78. Ms. Penelope Salmons
79. Dr&Mrs. Michael & Electra Sassaris
80. Mrs. Effie Sorolis
81. Mrs. Effie Sorolis from her Children
82. Mr&Mrs. Constantine Stames
83. Mr&Mrs. Dewayne Staats and Family
84. Mr. Costas Stathas
85. Dr.&Mrs. Elias Stefanakos
86. Mr&Mrs. Chris Tomaras
87. Dr&Mrs. Chris Tsokos
88. Dr&Mrs. Chris Tsokos in Memory of his father
89. Mr. Nicholas Tsokos
90. Dr. George Vassilakis
91. Ms. ElaineVarney
92. Mr&Mrs. John Vlahakis
93. Mr. Paul Vlahakis
94. Mr. Theodore Vlahakis
95. Dr.&Mrs. Fotis Vrionis
96. Mr&Mrs. Mike Zervos (Zervoudakis)
97. Dr. William Yotis
<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "del" Then %>

Brief Biosketch

D. Peter N. Yiannos
Deputy Director

Brief Biosketch

Dr. George Vassilatos

Brief Biosketch

Mr. Constantinos Georgiou

Brief Biosketch

Stella Yiannos
Senior Advisor

Brief Biosketch

Mr. Antonis Mistras
<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "miz" Then %>

Brief Biosketch

Mr. Nick Karakas
Deputy Director

Brief Biosketch

Angeline Antonoupoulos

Brief Biosketch

Anthony C. Georges

Brief Biosketch

Barbara Heiss Barfield
Tel. 727.372.9540
Senior Advisor

Brief Biosketch

Dr. Nicholas D. Matsakis
<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "ath" Then %> The fundamental mission of the IFGLC-ATHENS CENTER is to assist the American Foundation for Greek Language and Culture to achieve its aims and objectives. The overall mission of AFGLC is to assist in the preservation and enhancement of Greek culture and language in the United States through our academic institutions of higher learning. The AFGLC mission is to be accomplished by establishing INTERDISCIPLINARY CENTERS FOR HELLENIC STUDIES (ICHS) in strategically selected regions across America. The ICHSs will be modeled in administrative and academic structure similar to the "AFGLC-ICHS" at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida. The ICHSs will consist of a minimum of five endowed professors in Greek Language and Literature, Greek History, Greek Philosophy, Greek Culture and the Orthodox Religion. This academic composition will adequately address the educational aspects of the complex meaning of Hellenism.

AFGLC ATHENS : Aims and Objectives

·· To assist AFGLC headquarters in establishing Interdisciplinary Centers for Hellenic Studies (ICHS) in the United States through multiple approaches, including, but not limited to, integrated activities between AFGLC headquarters and AFGLC-ATHENS CENTER.

· To establish a working relationship with Greek universities with respect to faculty exchange programs with prominent scholars on Hellenism.

· To establish and implement procedures of selecting and sponsoring Greek university graduates who would like to pursue graduate studies on some aspect of Hellenism in the United States.

· To establish and implement procedures whereby both graduate and undergraduate students in the United States studying classics, archaeology, linguistics, etc., can spend part of their educational program in Greece.

· To work closely with research institutes, foundations and the Association of Greek Alumni of American Universities on common interests concerning the educational aspects of Hellenism.

· To assist in the establishment and publishing of an international academic journal on Hellenism.

· To work with academics and research institutes in the collection of various data and research material pertaining to Greek culture and history that are important in the educational aspects of Hellenism.

· To assist in the development of exhibits of scholarly, archeological artifacts, fine arts, etc., which could be toured around the United States for educational purposes and to promote Hellenism.

· To assist in enriching the "AFGLC ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL FORUM" by involving prominent scholars in Greek culture and civilization.

· To assist in organizing seminars, symposia and conferences in Greece for the promotion of Hellenism in the Americas, as well as enhancing the awareness of the Greek community about the contributions of ICHS of USA.

· To assist in translating and publishing in America scholarly works of Greek scholars from Greece and Diaspora on Hellenism for distribution in the West.

· To assist in the creation of an Internet system of archives of original published research on Greek history and culture for global view and recognition.

· To assist in identifying Greek philanthropists and business enterprises that will financially assist in the establishment of endowed professors and hence the establishment of ICHS.

· To identify and enhance the unique merits of educating Americans on what the Greeks have contributed to the development of the West.

· To inform the Hellenic Republic of AFGLC’s efforts for the rejuvenation and enhancement of Hellenism in the United States.

· To identify principles and historical precedents of Hellenism that are relevant and pertinent to resolving modern issues, such as globalization, environmentalism, ecology, social impact of the Internet and individualism <% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "ath2" Then %> The attached schematic network system will constitute the administrative structure of the AFGLC-ATHENS CENTER.

The Honorary Advisory Board (HAB) will be the main nucleus in accumulating information from other entities of the network and advising the administrative staff. This board will consist of outstanding academicians, public servants and business individuals who believe in the noble mission of AFGLC.

The attached list of Greek and private universities will be invited to be an integral part of the AFGLC-ATHENS CENTER. The rector or his designated representative from these academic institutions will constitute the appropriate components in the network to advise the HAB and, thus, the administrative staff on issues related to the aims and objectives of AFGLC-ATHENS CENTER. The directors of the attached research institutes or a designated representative will be invited to be a part of the identified entity in the network system.

The Hellenic American Union (HAU) will be invited to participate and assist the AFGLC-ATHENS CENTER in fulfilling its mission and carrying out its objectives. The HAU aims and objectives are engaged in educational projects between Greece and the United States. Thus. it is a perfect setting for AFGLC and HAU to significantly interact on educational efforts about Hellenism. The officers and Board of Directors of HAU will be an excellent source in advising and assisting the AFGLC activities in Athens.

The officers of the Greek Alumni of American Universities will constitute a unique body for assisting and advising the Administrative Staff (AS) through the appropriate channels on all aspects of the fundamental mission of AFGLC-ATHENS CENTER. Because of their personal understanding of the educational process in academic institutions in the United States, this advisory component will be very important to the development of our interdisciplinary centers.

There are several Greek foundations that enthusiastically share the aims and objectives of AFGLC. Thus, we believe that we can develop a mutual partnership to proceed in all educational and public aspects of Hellenism in the United States. Each foundation brings forward some unique aspects to the subject matter of Hellenism. This, combined with the strategic educational and business plans of AFGLC can enable us to successfully achieve the overall mission of our foundation.

The Greek business segment and industrial complex can greatly benefit from the accomplishments of AFGLC in the United States. Thus, we will identify and structure a Greek business personnel entity into the AFGLC-ATHENS CENTER.

The Board of Directors of AFGLC-ATHENS CENTER will consist of diversified, outstanding individuals from academia, public servants, professionals and businesspeople who understand and unequivocally support the overall strategic plan of AFGLC's fundamental mission about Hellenism in the United States.

The overall operational responsibility of the AFGLC-ATHENS CENTER will be left to the Administrative Staff. The Administrative Staff will consist of, but not be limited to, the Director, Deputy Director, Secretary, Treasurer and International Correspondent. The Administrative Staff will assume leadership and apply administrative strategies to execute the interacting and advising process of the AFGLC-ATHENS CENTER network, as have been established. The overall decision process will be a joint effort between the Board of Directors and the Administrative Staff of the AFGLC-ATHENS CENTER.

Finally, the overall governance of the AFGLC-ATHENS CENTER will be in accordance with the corporate structure and By-laws of the American Foundation for Greek Language and Culture. Any international entities that may be necessary to add to the AFGLC By-laws in the future will be so added as official amendments.

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "scholarships" Then %> AFGLC has established and awarded the following scholarships:

1. The Dr. Demetrios G. Halkias Annual Scholarship. The initial endowment of $26,000 remains fixed, as only investment returns are utilized for the scholarship. Any shortfalls are underwritten by the AFGLC-CAC. This scholarship is legally structured for operation in perpetuity.

2. The AFGLC-PK scholarships - $220,000 donated by Peter Kourmolis for scholarships in six different communities within the United States. The initial endowment remains fixed, as only investment returns are utilized for the scholarship, which is structured for operation in perpetuity.

3. AFGLC financed (100%) the M.S. Degree (two years) of one student from Greece in public health at USF.

4. AFGLC financed (80%) the M.S. Degree (two years) of one student from Greece in business administration at USF.

5. AFGLC financed (50%) the B.A. Degree (four years) of one student from Greece at Pennsylvania State University.

6. AFGLC annually provides three monetary awards for the best papers presented by graduate and undergraduate students at the Annual Classics Forum at USF.

The AFGLC-Dr. Demetrios G. Halkias Scholarship
This has a present endowment of $40,000, which remains fixed, as only investment returns are utilized for the scholarship. Any shortfalls in the fulfillment of the annual scholarship commitment are underwritten by the AFGLC Headquarters. This scholarship is legally structured for operation in perpetuity.

The AFGLC-Peter Kourmolis Scholarships
These are based on an initial endowment of $220,000 donated by Peter Kourmolis for scholarships in six different communities within the United States. The initial endowment remains fixed, as only investment returns are utilized for the scholarship, which is structured for operation in perpetuity. Any shortfall in the scholarship commitments are underwritten by AFGLC.

The AFGLC-Dr. John U. Balis Scholarship
This has a present endowment of $30,000, which remains fixed, as only investment returns are utilized for the scholarship. Any shortfalls in the fulfillment of the annual scholarship commitment are underwritten by the AFGLC Headquarters. This scholarship is legally structured for operation in perpetuity.
<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "press" Then %> AFGLC to hold its ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL FORUM ON FEBRUARY 25-26, 2011 in Tampa Florida and Tarpon Springs Florida! See Flyer for details.

The Community of Stony Brook Celebrates the Creation of an AFGLC Chapter and Center with its First Endowed Professorship at Stony Brook University under Development!

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "books" Then %> ARISTOTLE'S CHILDREN:
How Christians, Muslims and Jews Rediscovered Ancient Wisdom and Illuminated the Dark Ages
By Richard E. Rubenstein

This fast-paced book by a professor of conflict resolution and public affairs at George Mason University describes the fortuitous rediscovery of Aristotle's writings on natural history in the twelfth century and its subsequent impact on the intellectual life of the West, which was almost incalculable. The lessons to be drawn by educated lay readers in any walk of life make it a must-read for anyone who wants to understand-and improve-- the shape of the world today.

Professor Richard E. Rubenstein

After the fall of the Roman Empire and the collapse of classical learning, it was the Arabs of North Africa and Spain who kept alive the tradition of intellectual inquiry in Western Europe. It is no accident that Spain, with its rich and fairly tolerant interaction of three great worlds of religious thought, experienced a renaissance well before the rest of Europe emerged from the Dark Ages. In the twelfth century, under the benevolent gaze of Alfonso the Wise, Christian, Muslim and Jewish scholars came together in Toledo to translate jointly the ancient Greek texts of Aristotle. The dissemination of his humanistic ideas, with their stress on rational explanation and the ability-and right--of the human mind to attain to real knowledge of the world, struck an intellectual blow that ran like a shock wave through the universities of Europe. They were seen as a challenge to the Platonic, otherworldly theology of the Catholic Church that held sway even over areas that would seem to us to belong clearly to natural science. They would profoundly influence the thinking of scholars like Peter Abelard, spawn heresies and give birth to new forms of religious life, but eventually be adopted by great and orthodox minds like St. Thomas Aquinas. By the time the Renaissance proper had blossomed throughout Europe, the idea of faith and reason living in harmony had become a commonplace, making way for scientific investigations of all sorts and even for truly speculative theology. There is no question that the Catholic Church was strengthened by its eventual embrace of reason.

Dr. Rubenstein's presentation of a fascinating but too-little-known period of the history of the West is written in a lucid style that does not take for granted its readers' knowledge of medieval history, but neither does it condescend. It presents a cast of strong-minded and brilliant characters who clash forcefully, yet are never stereotyped as "good guys" and "bad guys." Perhaps that aspect of the book is one of its most valuable, and could we expect any less of an author whose life study is the resolution of conflict? Here we have a tale with many morals. First of all, there is the collaboration of scholars of many traditions who set aside their differences to concentrate on a project of interest to them all. It is significant that the wise balance of Aristotle is the common object of interest. His natural philosophy did not address the religious issues that divided the translators, but the workings of the world in which they all lived. One can only lament the absence of this same philosophy (or any philosophy) in too many cases from the curriculum of today. In a world where colliding religions are once more often revealing an intolerant and anti-intellectual side, a healthy dose of Aristotle might offer thinkers a non-partisan place to open a conversation on issues like morality in a multicultural world.

Another thought-provoking aspect of the story is the popular passion excited by mere ideas. In fact, although we now choose to call them ideologies, there is nothing stronger than the constructs of the mind. The drawing up of the world into good and evil, in stark Platonic black and white, is responsible for some of today's most lamentable conflicts, just as it was in the dogmatic Middle Ages. Aristotle's contribution to the culture wars might be to teach us to "integrate, not fuse" faith and reason, as Rubenstein phrases it in his conclusion. Science needs ethical guidance, but it has certain rights of its own, including the right to serve the common good. Somehow this balance was clearer to the ancient Greek than to the modern American! But Aristotle has been rediscovered once; his message of the collaboration of mind and soul in the pursuit of truth can find a resonance again in the humanistically educated citizen of today just as it did (and all the more surprisingly) in the twelfth century. And so let this be the last and most important lesson to take away from Rubinstein's book: where people are taught to think critically, through the rigorous training of philosophy; where they are taught to think of themselves as noble and intelligent beings with the duty to use their god-given reason to examine all manner of things, they are better prepared to share life on our planet with those of other faiths. Bring on the Aristotle! <% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "newsletter" Then %>

AFGLC/IFGLC Fall / Winter Newsletter 2010

AFGLC/IFGLC Spring / Summer Newsletter 2010

AFGLC/IFGLC Fall / Winter Newsletter 2009

AFGLC/IFGLC Spring / Summer Newsletter 2009

AFGLC/IFGLC Fall / Winter Newsletter 2008

AFGLC/IFGLC Spring / Summer Newsletter 2008

AFGLC/IFGLC Fall / Winter Newsletter 2007

AFGLC/IFGLC Spring / Summer Newsletter 2007

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "newsletter" Then %>

AFGLC/IFGLC Fall / Winter Newsletter 2010

AFGLC/IFGLC Spring / Summer Newsletter 2010

AFGLC/IFGLC Fall / Winter Newsletter 2009

AFGLC/IFGLC Spring / Summer Newsletter 2009

AFGLC/IFGLC Fall / Winter Newsletter 2008

AFGLC/IFGLC Spring / Summer Newsletter 2008

AFGLC/IFGLC Fall / Winter Newsletter 2007

AFGLC/IFGLC Spring / Summer Newsletter 2007

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "photovideo" Then %>

2010 AFGLC Educational Forum in Tampa and Tarpon Springs, Florida - selected photos

Artemis Leontis, Ph.D.Vasiliki Tsigas-Fotinis, Ph.D.Rev. Harakas


2008 IFGLC Forum in Athens, Greece at the Historic Zappeion Megaro Center in the National Garden of Athens - selected photos

Opening Cerimony Opening Cerimony

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "galaarchive" Then %>

2010 15th Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida

2009 14th Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida

2008 Fourth International Forum of the IFGLC in Athens, Greece; June

2008 13th Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida

2007 12th Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida

2006 11th Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida

2005 Third International Forum of the IFGLC in Athens, Greece; June

2005 10th Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida

2004 9th Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida

2003 8th Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida

2002 7th Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida

2001 6th Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida

2000 5th Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida

1999 4th Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida

1998 3rd Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida

1997 2nd Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida

1996 1st Annual AFGLC/IFGLC Forum Program and Schedule, Tampa Florida


<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "awardarchive" Then %>

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "searcharchive" Then %> <% SearchTerm = request.form("term") Novalid=" a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z yes no and more" NovalidResponse ="Go back and try again. Your search term is very common" if instr(SearchTerm,Novalid)=0 then Response. Write ("

Search results

") FolderName= "" ShowList() else Response.Write NovalidResponse End if SearchResponse="" %> <% Sub ShowList() FolderToCheck = server.mappath("\") &"/" & FolderName & "/" Dim fs, f, f1, fc, s Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fs.GetFolder(FolderToCheck) Set fc = f.Files For Each f1 in fc Wfile = if right(Wfile, 5)=".html" OR right(Wfile, 4)=".asp" then Wfile2 = FolderToCheck & Wfile Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set a = fs.OpenTextFile(Wfile2) ct = a.ReadAll a.close ct2=lcase(ct) SearchTerm2 = lcase(SearchTerm) if instr(ct2,SearchTerm2)>0 then if instr(ct,"")>0 then longitud=instr(ct,"") longitud=longitud -1 ct=left(ct,longitud) longitud2=len(ct) longitud=instr(ct,"") longitud=longitud2 -longitud -6 ct=right(ct,longitud) else if instr(ct,"")>0 then longitud=instr(ct,"") longitud=longitud -1 ct=left(ct,longitud) longitud2=len(ct) longitud=instr(ct,"") longitud=longitud2 -longitud -6 ct=right(ct,longitud) end if end if SearchResponse= SearchResponse +"<TR><TD>"+ ct + "</TD><TD ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=MIDDLE>" + " <A HREF=" + "" + FolderName + "/" + Wfile +"> More </A></TD></TR>" longitud=0 ct="" end if end if Next Response.Write ("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Search results
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Search Results
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The specified term or phrase was not found
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") Response.Write ("
") End Sub %> <% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "filingarchive" Then %>

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "edumat" Then %>

<% ElseIf Request.QueryString("page") = "events" Then %>

Announcement of the 2010 AFGLC Forum, to be held in Tampa and Tarpon Springs, Florida

Announcing the 2010 AFLGC-Sponsored Epiphany Memorial Piano Concert featuring George Skaroulis, to be held in Tarpon Springs, Florida on February 20th

The Community of Stony Brook Celebrates the Creation of an AFGLC Chapter and Center with its First Endowed Professorship at Stony Brook University under Development!


Summer 2009 AFGLC Newsletter

<% Else %>


Page not found. <% End If %>