<% SearchTerm = request.form("term") Novalid=" a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z yes no and more" NovalidResponse ="Go back and try again. Your search term is very common" if instr(SearchTerm,Novalid)=0 then Response. Write ("

Search results

") FolderName= "" ShowList() else Response.Write NovalidResponse End if SearchResponse="" %> <% Sub ShowList() FolderToCheck = server.mappath("\") &"/" & FolderName & "/" Dim fs, f, f1, fc, s Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fs.GetFolder(FolderToCheck) Set fc = f.Files For Each f1 in fc Wfile = f1.name if right(Wfile, 5)=".html" OR right(Wfile, 4)=".asp" then Wfile2 = FolderToCheck & Wfile Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set a = fs.OpenTextFile(Wfile2) ct = a.ReadAll a.close ct2=lcase(ct) SearchTerm2 = lcase(SearchTerm) if instr(ct2,SearchTerm2)>0 then if instr(ct,"")>0 then longitud=instr(ct,"") longitud=longitud -1 ct=left(ct,longitud) longitud2=len(ct) longitud=instr(ct,"") longitud=longitud2 -longitud -6 ct=right(ct,longitud) else if instr(ct,"")>0 then longitud=instr(ct,"") longitud=longitud -1 ct=left(ct,longitud) longitud2=len(ct) longitud=instr(ct,"") longitud=longitud2 -longitud -6 ct=right(ct,longitud) end if end if SearchResponse= SearchResponse +"<TR><TD>"+ ct + "</TD><TD ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=MIDDLE>" + " <A HREF=" + "http://www.afglc.org" + FolderName + "/" + Wfile +"> More </A></TD></TR>" longitud=0 ct="" end if end if Next Response.Write ("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Search results
") Response.Write ("
Search Results
") Response.Write ("") if SearchResponse<>"" then Response.Write SearchResponse else Response.Write ("") end if Response.Write ("
The specified term or phrase was not found
") Response.Write ("
") Response.Write ("
") End Sub %>