The AHEPA-AFGLC Educational Partnership: First Step
AFGLC and AHEPA, the largest international Hellenic-American organization, have officially signed an agreement to collaborate in fulfilling our shared educational mission. The 82nd Annual Supreme Convention of the Order of AHEPA unanimously approved a resolution that led to the partnership, and the official agreement of the AHEPA-AFGLC Educational Partnership was signed on February 14, 2005, by the Supreme President of AHEPA, Mr. Franklin Manios, and Dr. Chris P. Tsokos, president of AFGLC. The primary objective of the AHEPA-AFGLC educational partnership is to work together at the local, district, regional and national levels to establish Interdisciplinary Centers for Hellenic Studies (ICHSs).
Additional Academic Partnerships
- AFGLC has established a working educational partnership with the Academy of Athens, which includes the contributions by members of the Academy of books (some rare) on every aspect of Hellenism, for all ICHS centers in the United States.
- AFGLC and the Alexander Onassis Public Benefits Foundation (U.S.A.) have embarked on a Distinguished Lecture partnership. The Onassis Foundation supplies, at its expense, outstanding international scholars to lecture at selected American universities or colleges including those where AFGLC has established an ICHS.